Kamis, 27 September 2018
Prevent Broken Bones With The Help Of These 8 Things!
It’s very important to pay attention to the health of the bones. As we age, our bones face different problems. Many people experience changes faster than other people. Osteoporosis is one condition which commonly appears in people. It is characterized by decreased bone mass and brittle bones. It can be seen in men and in women.
While we’re in the teen years, the bones aren’t lengthened, but what happens is that the bone mass increases. This is a period when weakened and damaged body tissues are expelled from the body. New tissues replace them. The bones become denser and stronger. This is actually a mechanism for bone rebuilding that weakens, so the bone mass is gradually lost.
The bone mass can be improved with different strategies: use a diet and supplements to rebuild your bone tissue, decrease the stimuli found to kick the processes which absorb bones in the body and try to build more bones when you’re younger. Think of it like you’re saving some bones for the period when you retire. Even some small parts will affect the end balance.
Your diet and lifestyle can help you strengthen your bones naturally. The quality of your whole life will be improved, too.
Many people are wrong thinking that this is the main thing we need in order to build bones. Other people think that dairy products are the ones we need to consume in order to supply our body with calcium. But, what if that’s wrong?
Calcium in our body declines with age. This is a mineral needed for many other processes like blood clotting and neural transmission. Our body regulates the supply of calcium inside our bloodstream. If it decreases much, our organism steals it from our bones.
We should take about 1.000 mg of calcium every day, but everyone should consult their doctor. The best form of calcium that can be absorbed really easily is calcium citrate.
Researches claim that vitamin D has an amazing role for healthy bones. Our digestive tract is improved and the inflammation is decreased. This is a vitamin which helps our body regulate any process when calcium becomes eliminated through our kidneys.
Try to be exposed to the midday sun about 20 minutes several times a week. Take D3 oral supplements. Ask for a blood test by your doctor to show you the levels of vitamin D in your blood serum. Approximately, they should range from 50 to 65 ng/mL or 125 and 165 nmol/L.
Vitamin K2 should be taken along with vitamin D3 so that the bloodstream could regulate the calcium. In this way, the calcium deposits are formed in the bones and not in the soft tissues or skin. Some of the best vegetable sources of vitamin K include spinach, soy beans, cauliflower and cabbage. Intake about 100 mcg of vitamin K2. If you have to use blood thinners at the same time, consult your doctor.
Both of them are actually the antioxidant vitamins that improve the health of our bones. The absorption of calcium is tied to the usage of vitamin C. They’ll treat any inflammation. Vitamin C should be taken from 500 to 1000 mg every day. Include natural sources, too: broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, citrus fruits, cantaloupe, asparagus and bell peppers. Take from 2,500 to 5,000 IU of vitamin A. You should also include different natural sources like: sweet potatoes, leafy greens, cantaloupe, spinach and carrots.
Methionine is an amino acid found in the meat protein. It is broken down in the body to create a substance called homocysteine which acts on the creation of collagen. Collagen is actually the primary protein found in our bones and joints, but also the skin. We need vitamins of the group B: B6, riboflavin and B12 so that the homocysteine becomes metabolized in order not to affect the bone tissue. These are vitamins we can find in many vegetables as well as many animal sources: salmon, beef, eggs and dairy. Take from 100 to 500 mcg of vitamin B12 every day.
It’s really important to exercise since it helps you build muscle mass and decrease bone loss. Studies claim that exercise can help us with building bones no matter what age we’re in. There should be a weightbearing activity that our bone health will consider effective. Avoid swimming or biking. What you can do is jumping, walking or dancing. Your bone health can also appreciate a 5 minute walk. The bones have to be stressed, but your own weight has to be carried by you.
You can build stronger muscles with the help of resistant training. You should have about 70% of the complete load. We’ll achieve stronger bones with the help of stronger muscles. Stress also has an impact over our bones. Use some exercises or meditate in order to decrease cortisol levels and protect the bones. In case your levels of cortisol are increased, the bone mass will suffer.
Bone mineral density is affected positively by magnesium. The vitamin D in our organism also becomes regulated. These are some natural sources which include magnesium: whole grains, meats, broccoli, chocolate, nuts, dairy products and seeds.
The bones include a mixed structure of copper, zinc, fluoride, manganese, boron, strontium, potassium, phosphorus and silica. Using a balanced diet as well as multivitamin supplements will help your organism obtain them regularly.
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